الخميس، 30 مايو 2013

Digital Storytelling

       “Digital storytelling is the process of writing about a story, and adding the multimedia elements of voice, imagery, and music to create a visual story”

We learned about digital storytelling in TECH2108  course (Educational Technology for Children) . We have taken this topic in two parts. The first part is the theoretical part and the second part is the practical part. In the first part we learned about the meaning of Digital storytelling, why do we use Digital storytelling , The Steps in Creating a DigiDoc  and how do we assess a Digital Story . In the second part we learned how do we create storytelling by using moviemaker programme.
 In the theoretical classes the instructor showed us a video about Digital storytelling. The video was like a silent story with classic music and short messages. I like the idea how to say the message of smile by using storytelling. We were interested in watching the video and learning a lesson in life.
 - If you are  interested to watch the  video this is the link :
My personal experience : when we used moviemaker program in practical class I thought that is easy to use it for storytelling .Then I realized that it is not easy to create  storytelling by using such program because first you should think for the events of the story , the purpose of it  and you should look for pictures that are related to the story .all these steps need too much time .Me and my group spent one hour thinking and collecting pictures in the class then we created a short story for kids .
 I liked this topic and I think that it is very important to use digital storytelling as a way of teaching especially when we teach children because as –Confucius says :
I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
I strongly agree with him . according to his say students remember when they see ,so it is good to apply this technic in teaching children .  
We learn. . .
         10% of what we  READ
         20% of what we  HEAR
         30% of what we  SEE
         40% of what we both SEE and HEAR
         70% of what is DISCUSSED with others
         80% of what we EXPERIENCE personally
         95% of what we TEACH someone else
William Glasser
So as we notice that storytelling plays an important role in leanring because it takes 40% of the learning rate.
Alice Program :
In contrast to the large number of people who use computers and computer programs in their daily lives, relatively few learn to create their own computer programs. Storytelling Alice is a programming environment that motivate a broad spectrum of teachers to create short 3D animated movies and use it when they teach children to give the information to the kids in effective way.
On the other hand Alice allows older students to immediately see how their animation programs run, enabling them to easily understand the relationship between the programming statements and the behavior of objects in their animation. By manipulating the objects in their virtual world, students gain experience with all the programming constructs typically taught in an introductory programming course.
To enable and encourage users to create animated stories, Storytelling Alice includes:
1. High-level animations that enable users to program social interactions between characters.
2. A story-based tutorial that introduces users to programming through building a story.
3. A gallery of 3D characters and scenery with custom animations designed to spark story ideas.
I attended  a workshop in SQU  Education College about Alice program . Digital Hands team introduced the course on 9-11/March/2013 presented by Asia AL-Sulimani.She is a student from Learning Technologies Department . She showed  us some animated movies that she created by herself using this program . she took the story from English book for grade one. I really interested in this course and I learned how to create storytelling by using Alice program . I will use this program in the future when I work with young children.
If you are interested in watching Asia AL-Sulimani’s movie:  
For more information about this program :

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