الخميس، 30 مايو 2013

Supporting Teaching By Creating Presentations


Presentation is a way of communication  that aims to introduce information  in different ways. There are many programs that you can use to create a presentation such as : PowerPoint ,prize  ,zoho show  and ….Ext. 
we learned how to design  effective PowerPoint presentation in TECH2108  course ( Educational Technology for Children ). It should be :   Clear, Readable : Look at it from 2 meters away ,Simple : not too many  font  and  colors and the 6 x 7 rule :  No more than 6 lines per slid and No more than 7 words per line .

To create an interesting presentation you should take in your mind that your presentation include that points .

Most teachers use a presentation to deliver the contact to the students . Only a few of them have the skills of a good presenter . A good presenter should speak loudly and clearly, maintain eye contact with audience, don’t read the slides word-for-word, use them for reference and leave time for questions .

In my experience I noticed that some teachers in the university  presented their presentation without any interaction with the students . I remember one teacher who taught me when I was in my  third year he read the slides word-for-word . we feel bored because there is no discussion and communication in the lecture . Also the slide had too many lines and it was difficult for the students to read what was written especially for those students who cannot see clearly.

I suggested to do a workshops for the teachers in SQU to teach them how to design  effective presentations . It is very important for the teachers to know how to present their presentation and create a good presentation because if they don’t have this knowledge that will affect the learning and the students will not benefit from the lectures.

In my opinion ,using presentation for teaching is an effective way ,but not with children because children learn by doing . they learn by do the activities that the teacher prepare for them . On the other hand we can use the presentation for children once a week to show them video and pictures of the topic that they learned about .
In this like you will find 12 tips for creating better PowerPoint presentations :

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