الخميس، 30 مايو 2013


An interactive whiteboard (IWB), is a large interactive display that connects to a computer.
A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface where users control the computer using a pen, finger, stylus, or other device. The board is typically mounted to a wall or floor stand.
They are used in a variety of settings, including classrooms at all levels of education, in corporate board rooms and work groups, in training rooms for professional sports coaching, in broadcasting studios, and others.
We learned about interactive whiteboard  in TECH2108  course (Educational Technology for Children). I was interested to know about IWB because I heard  about it before generally ,I would like to  know how it work and how the teachers use it in their classes. After we took the theoretical class about interactive whiteboard we took the  practical class in active inspire program . then the instructor asked us to design a lesson for kids using active inspire and present in the class by using IWB . I really liked this experience and I think that it is useful way  to teach children by using technology because interactive whiteboard allows children to be more focused and engaged .
I trained in child care center ( CCC ) in SQU and I noticed that teachers use different ways in teaching ,however they do not apply technology in their teaching . after I knew about the technology of the interactive whiteboard I suggested for them to have it and use it in group activities . It will be effective for children because as you know children prefer using technology so they will be more active.

Also in the government  schools the ministry of education applies  the interactive whiteboard in one school in Oman which is Thuriya AL-Busaidi school in Muscat . I asked a teacher in this school about the advantages of this technology .she said that she is very happy that the ministry of education has chosen her school to apply this new technology . she added that education becomes more effective when they use interactive whiteboard . also she said the students concentrated on the lesson more than before because they participate with the teachers in teaching. also I asked my sister who is a student in grade nine in this school about how she benefits from interactive whiteboard in her school ,she said that the teachers always ask students to do their presentation using active inspire program and that allows her to be like a little teacher .
when I sow the lessons I notice that the teachers don't have much knowledge of using active inspire program ,so I suggest to do a workshop for the teachers who work inThuriya AL-Busaidi school to teach them how to use active inspire program

To know more about IWB :


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