الخميس، 30 مايو 2013

Technology in Education
In the past, learning and education simply meant face-to-face lectures, reading books or printed handouts, taking notes and completing assignments generally in the form of answering questions or writing essays. In short; education, learning and teaching were considered impossible without a teacher, books and chalkboards. Today, education and training have taken on a whole new meaning. Computers are an essential part of every classroom and teachers are using DVDs, CD-ROMs and videos to show students how things work and operate. Students can interact with the subject matters through the use of such web based tools and CD-ROMs. Moreover, each student can progress at his/her own pace. 
Technology in Education

Research has shown , that students learn best when they are engaged. Through the use of technology, students can become active participants 
Using technology in education is very important to enhance learning . so it’s easier for the students to acquire the  knowledge by using the methods that are closer to daily life .The methods that can be used are :
  • Visual aids, whether PowerPoint or Flash movies or even
  • The use of education in ways podcast
  • Use Blogs
  • Use the online search
  • Create a group on BlackBerry,Viber and WhatsApp devices
  • The use of digital messages
  • Sound recordings
I personally agree  with the idea of using technology in education .When I was in the school the teachers taught  us the lessons just by spoken explanation without using technology and that was traditional way of teaching .students need to be active by participating with the teacher . It will be better if the ministry of education applies interactive whiteboard in all schools in Oman to enhance learning. In the university the teachers use the technology in education for example: they create PowerPoint presentation, send for the students lectures notes by e-mail and some courses use interactive whiteboard ….Ext. In conclusion  , I think education system in the university is better than in schools in using technology .
How is Technology Transforming Education? :
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